
Christmas Letter 1974

1974 has been another year full of challenges, surprises, sadness, and joy.  We hope this letter finds you well and ready for a great 1975.

The challenge to Richard has been building up another business.  He is associated with Richard Jones Mortgage Services, Inc., part owner, and of course, full time promoter and organizer.  In July he opened a second office in La Jolla and put his wife and children to work helping to get it off the ground.  They all enjoy the extra money but Janet finds the challenge of home, work, church, and children a full load.  But at least no one is ever bored or complains of "nothing to do" at our house. That is a blessing.

The sadness was the loss of Richard's mother Vida.  We can only be grateful that she did not suffer but passed quickly as she had desired.  We are so thankful to the many family and friends that shared and helped in this time of sorrow.  We will all miss her much, but we are grateful that our children were able to know and appreciate her love.  She is pictured here with Maria, Linda and cousin Jennie.

A treat for Janet and the children was traveling to Glendive, Montana this summer and visiting with Janet's family and then meeting John and Richard at West Yellowstone, going on to Silver Gate for a few days and then down to Jackson, Wyoming, Salt lake City, Las Vegas and then home.  La Jolla looked very good to us--even if it was crowded with tourists, after days on the road.  This summer the children are anxious to camp along the way and go back to Silver Gate for a longer stay when the fishing is good.

Hunter, Jimmy, Eric

Our joy is our children, healthy and happy (at this moment).  With two minor bicycle accidents last week, we are still a little nervous.  John, 14, continues to surf and collect coins.  Just recently he started a model railroad and is developing a great layout on his recently built 4 x 8 table.  Linda, 12 enter Jr. high this year and is becoming the typical lovely blonde, slim, California girl.

 She recently brought into our life the surprise of the year--"Charlie" a St. Bernard puppy!!

 Mother is chief baby sitter and trainer till Christmas vacation and reports that he is a model puppy, so far, all 21 pounds of him.  It's like having a new baby in the home than can run and chew!!  Charlie replaced our beloved "Sonny" the cat, Maria's pet, who died of a heart attack last month.

 We do miss him.  Maria is planning on a new kitten for Christmas from her girlfriend.  She has joined Girl Scouts this year and has been enjoying camping in the great outdoors.

 Jimmy, 8, and a new Cub Scout, continues to keep us laughing but has became a tease, much to Maria's lament.

With the nervous economy, high prices, and unsettled times who can say what 1975 has in store for the Hardys...we can only pray that we will meet the challenges, be appreciative of our blessings, and always have friends and family to share our sorrows.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
                                                                   Richard, Janet, John, Linda, Maria, and Jimmy