"John went to BYU in the fall of 1978 but stayed home after Christmas. He looked so thin and sickly-
-just wasn't happy there and did have the flu, cold, etc. He's been very happy at home going to UCSD and working at the Cove theater. He is now making the decision between a mission or another year at UCSD. He plays the piano a lot--makes up much of his own material, and shapes and glasses surfboards. He doesn't eat as well as he should, I don't think, but keeps very busy. Jennifer, his girlfriend is at our home much of the time. She is Linda's age, in fact, they were born on the same day at the same hospital!!"
Richard and I are on our way home from Utah with Linda, her friends Patty Gwin and Jamie Hunsaker. Three weeks ago I drove these girls plus Maria and a friend of the girls (Ron Hudgins) to BYU for "Especially for Youth".
This is how Maria became acquainted with Ron, a friend of Gary's, and started dating him. He was lots of fun to have around. I understand the girls danced and mimed to "California Girls" in a talent show. Would loved to have seen that.

"Then I drove with Jeanne up to Glendive where we loaded as much of Mother's things in the station wagon and a U Haul to take to Orem, Utah. Mom will be living in an apartment of Jeanne's and Stan's. After a pleasant trip down by way of Bozeman and a night at David's condominium in Idaho Falls, Jeanne, Mom and I arrived in Orem."
I was amazed how well Jeanne and I fitted all Mother's furniture in a U-Haul by ourselves without much fuss or stress.
We did have to stay one night in a motel and it interested me that mother, because of all her traveling experience, was not shy about insisting the owners take care of the fan.
We did have to stay one night in a motel and it interested me that mother, because of all her traveling experience, was not shy about insisting the owners take care of the fan.
"The next day Maria and I flew home and then Richard and I flew back and attended the Larson family reunion in Ogden yesterday. Aunt Ellen and Mom were the only sisters there. Mom had the most family there, because of Jeanne's family. Stan is having more difficulty with his lymph sarcoma which he has had for about the past seven years. It is affecting his liver now and he looks thinner and paler. The last few weeks he has been in some pain. I am sure Jeanne will enjoy having Mom so near."