
Relief Society President

In 1979 I was called to be the Relief Society President of 13th Ward,  My sister Jeanne sent me a book called "How to Delegate".  That book made all the difference in my experience in that calling.  I had so much capable help that I really enjoyed serving in that calling.

One of the BIG things we did was to plan this Preparation Meeting in which we acting as if we were pioneers taking the trek from Nauvoo to Zion.  We had to choose our preparations and then a narration was given of the trip.  There would be things happening to your food, to your wagons, tools, etc and you were to keep track to see how you did and whether you actually were able to get to Zion.

We had a great meal and then after the Trek we had demonstrations with song in four different areas of the building and then regathered for dessert and dance.

I used part of the materials from Seminary the year before where we had a similar exercise to do in class to see how well we could prepare for such a Trek.

I think we all thought it was quite successful. I really had such wonderful assistance from so many talented people that were in 13th Ward.   I have forgotten whose child I am holding, but it was not one of mine.

I wrote a poem to read about three of our special ladies that were moving.  I had worked with Martha in both Ward and Stake Primary as well as Relief Society, she had crocheted a beautiful shawl for me and worked with Anne Marie and Cathy in Relief Society.

To Martha, Cathy and Anne Marie

Three precious jewels are leaving our ward, And replacing them, I doubt can be done.
For each is such an original design With the brilliance of the golden sun.

There's faithful Martha with the magic hands, Who can whip-up a beautiful hair-do.
Or quick as a wink, before you can think, Make a gorgeous shawl for you.
And her nimble fingers slide over the keys, With the style of Burt Bacharach.
Always there at the organ, superbly she plays, "Dear Martha, you do have the knack!"

Another jewel that shines as bright, Is our songbird, Cathy Martin.
With a cheerful smile and a gracious manner, She's more charming than Dolly Parton.
Cathy can direct a choir or sing the lead, She can stage a play or compose it.
Sing duet with her husband or just fiddle alone, She's a "Golden Girl" and she shows it.

Bishop's Anne Marie is surely a pearl.  How superbly she runs her home.
Artistic, efficient, and creative, too, She could sure write a funnier poem.
What golden moments of laughter she gave us, As an actress, she's really a wit.
And who can forget her braided bread, And how she worked to get us all fit.

These superwomen of the Bishopric, What fantastic ladies they are.
"We wish you well, we want you to know, But we wish you weren't going so far!"
And how we will miss your loving service, To all who stand in need.
Your strong testimonies that always you bear, Through word and spirit and deed.

But a word of caution we give to you, As you replace the new for the old.
Remember who loves you in 13th Ward, And all that glitters is not   Gold!"