The letter was sent out without any pictures in 1980.
"Dear Family Members:
All is well at the Hardy home on Sugarman Court in La Jolla, CA.
The big news is that we have expanded our family. John married high school sweetheart Jennifer and they have a new baby girl named Meagan Janelle.
Jennifer comes from a family of nine and most of them live in La Jolla so Meagan has lots of aunts and uncles to spoil her.
Meagan came into the world weighing 9 lbs 4 oz and ready to go. She is very active and alert and about the most beautiful baby in the world. John attends UCSD and works at Jones Mortgage while Jennifer tends Meagan in their student housing nearby (which is also near our home). We love having them so near.

Jennifer comes from a family of nine and most of them live in La Jolla so Meagan has lots of aunts and uncles to spoil her.

Linda is attending Ricks College this year and just loves it. She is living at Chalet Rouge, Apt 21, so cousins, look her up.
Maria is also out of high school (took the California Proficiency) and is trying to get in Ricks (she is only 16) but until she does she works for Jones Mortgage and also plating and mailing for two other companies.
Jimmy is in the 9th grade and is currently ready to perform in a Church Musical "Treasure from the Trunk". He enjoys drama almost as much as surfing but is really looking forward to winter and skiing. He wants to be a super downhill racer.
Richard is running about four businesses and we all wish he would do a little "running" himself to
get in shape. He has the awesome task of keeping the membership records straight in the ward, but as usual he has system for getting things done (uses Janet and his secretaries)!
get in shape. He has the awesome task of keeping the membership records straight in the ward, but as usual he has system for getting things done (uses Janet and his secretaries)!
Last Christmas we had a wonderful week in Park City with the Martin Hardy Family. We skied every day and ate supper together every evening. It was great to have all the young people get to know their cousins and for Richard, Martin Janet, and Kathy to just enjoy visiting. We even managed to ski on Christmas Day and come home to a delicious home cooked turkey dinner! It was really a special vacation for us all.

Meagan coming into our life was almost like having our first baby. It was such a special joy in our life. I would always want to be available to spend time with Meagan and she never disappointed. What a delightful child. It changed my life forever. Of course, she was just the first of many to follow but that first will always have a special place that no one else can take.