Since I had taught Church History in Seminary I had this idea for a Relief Society Event and the ladies carried it out beautifully. We had a Trek to Zion and each played the part and prepared for their trip. Whether they prepared well or not determined whether they made it. From there we had examples of Being Prepared in the different classrooms. It was quite successful I think.

Great atmosphere!

Great atmosphere!
The food was good.
Bishop Lakey in the center. After we took our Trip to Zion and did an accounting as to who made it and who did not. Bishop Lakey came in with a serious letter he had just received. He read:
Dear Brethren:
The time has come for the first group of Saints to be called to Jackson County, Missouri. It is imperative that this first company be adequately prepared in every way. Therefore, would you please select the families to make this marvelous journey in this manner. They must qualify in the following area:
Be members of the Church in good standing, tithe payers and spiritually in tune with the Lord.
Have their basic food storage for one year in wheat, dry milk, sugar or honey, salt, fat, and seeds.
Have emergency storage in a portable container with 3days of food that requires no refrigeration, plus water, bedding, clothing, medical supplies, fuel, lights, cooking equipment and important personal documents and cash.
They should currently be providing for themselves in at least two of these areas:
- Growing their own fruit and vegetables
- Preserving food through canning, drying, freezing, etc.
- Be proficient in making their own quilts, clothing, soap and fuel
Would you please gather these families together immediately for their instruction before they leave tomorrow at 6 AM.
Respectfully yours,
Secretary to the ProphetThen the Bishop said:Now brothers and sisters you have heard the instruction. Would those who feel they qualify to go tomorrow with this first group of Saints please follow me to my office right now for some further instructions. (Of course, no one was qualified)Then I said (I think it was me) Thank you, Bishop! Those of us who are left also have a small trek to take at this time in our own ward building. Would you please quickly go to one of the four exit doors and follow the leader who is there to your destination. They will be taking you into the World of Preparedness. When you have finished your tour we will reassemble for dessert and entertainment.