In 1964 Carole and Len had a beautiful baby girl Stephanie and lived in Coronado until he was released from the Navy four months later. They moved to Texas and we missed them! Now it was 1966 and...
I was now pregnant with my fourth child. Dr. Rust had said I should not have more than three Cesareans because of the up and down cut--it was not safe to have more. Since Linda was not a Cesarean we were allowed one more and then the plan was to tie my tubes. We had waited 2 1/2 years and were to have a June baby.
The children each were showing their individual personalities. John was forever creating a grand scheme out of all his games and toys. I tried just letting him have one toy or game at a time but that did not work. He was very organized and neat about it but used things in a way they were not intended until his creation covered his room. Eventually I would help him get everything back in it's original box or basket until it started all over again. I would sweep it into piles and then we would put the right toys into the right container.
Linda acted the second Mommy, feeling responsible for and watching over everyone.
Maria love to sing and is quite independent, learns very easily.
Linda acted the second Mommy, feeling responsible for and watching over everyone.
Maria love to sing and is quite independent, learns very easily.
February 10, 1966 "It's only 5 am but my erratic sleeping patterns find me awake half the night and tired half the day. Everyone is getting sick around here with flu and colds. So far we've been spared, maybe because we stay home a lot. Linda has a cold now though and was acting as if she surely had a bladder infection, but the Doctor said no.
I can't figure out what is wrong with her--irritable, high pitched screaming voice, complains, excessive tiredness and unable to sleep easily--I don't know--thought she was all through with this. She's been so happy the last couple months.
Maria continues to cause wreck and havoc wherever she goes. Never learns, everything is funny to her and she goes on in a very blissful, happy state. She quietly colored all over her walls last night after I thought they were all sleeping, then got another box of talcum powder all over her and her room for the second time. The day before, she covered herself and bed and bedding with lipstick. I can't just keep everything under lock and key and she does climb. She just never learns from punishment or talking. Guess she will outgrow it. I hope. She has no sense of caution or danger though and can't be trusted anywhere no matter how understanding she appears.
They really are sweet, cute children but when other people are around or I need instant obedience I see how undisciplined they are.
As I look back I can see I dragged my children around too much when they should have been at home. I was still involved in Mutual and there was always decorations for dances or whatever. I think I expected too much of them. I did not have enough patience with them I am sure. I was having a lot of problems with my varicose veins and should have been off my feet more as well.
"The kindergarten teacher isn't having a Valentine party. I don't know why. We room mothers do everything. Anyway I am having John's friends that are both in kindergarten and primary and their brother and sisters and mothers up for a Valentine luncheon. Only about 4 or 5 mothers and about 12 children. Should be fun--not going to much fuss."
Now this seems above and beyond if I was really having problems with being on my legs so much!!!
"The kindergarten teacher isn't having a Valentine party. I don't know why. We room mothers do everything. Anyway I am having John's friends that are both in kindergarten and primary and their brother and sisters and mothers up for a Valentine luncheon. Only about 4 or 5 mothers and about 12 children. Should be fun--not going to much fuss."
Now this seems above and beyond if I was really having problems with being on my legs so much!!!

Linda keeps saying, "But I thought Grandma was coming." I shouldn't have told her so soon that Mom and Dad are coming. My sewing room is coming along beautifully, really going to be easy to get something done, I think. Hope we have the painting done before Mom and Dad come.
Richard's boss has sold him his old Cadillac at a very good price. It only has 16,000 miles on it and it is only four years old! However, Richard is embarrassed to drive it. So it has become my car. I love it. I love driving a big car and don't mind at all. Can't decide which of the other two to sell, they both have their good and bad points so am putting both up for sell and see which goes first! Guess we didn't need the Cadillac but it is so nice driving."

So I said we would go back and Maria said she couldn't walk and started crawling and I couldn't talk her out of it. So I just started walking slowly and told her to come and we had to go and Linda was so worried about her and started to cry, guess she really thought I would leave her.
I can't believe I was such a dumb Mom to think a 4 yr and a 2 1/2 yr old could spend three hours at the mall walking!!! And then get exasperated with them. I am so embarrassed by this. But I know it was a fun outing for them. It seems I should have had a stroller with me, at least!
Bishopric Takes Richard's Time
Richard was called to be a Counselor in the 7th Ward Bishopric and set apart as a High Priest in the Melchizedek Priesthood in April.

From a letter: "Richard has been tied up ridiculously much but he is trying to get the Mutual, especially the boys program, going the way it should and they haven't done anything for so long I guess it is difficult.
The only night he was home he had so many calls and finally had to leave anyway. He is so sympathetic I think he is going to become the shoulder to cry on for a lot of people.
He loves it so far though but wants to get things going so he can be home more and get some things done around here, too. Some fellow has been on the phone for 45 minutes now telling him his troubles. We haven't been able to have a home night at all since he was called to the Bishopric."
The only night he was home he had so many calls and finally had to leave anyway. He is so sympathetic I think he is going to become the shoulder to cry on for a lot of people.
He loves it so far though but wants to get things going so he can be home more and get some things done around here, too. Some fellow has been on the phone for 45 minutes now telling him his troubles. We haven't been able to have a home night at all since he was called to the Bishopric."
"Sunday night Linda wanted to sit in the front row with John, where he sits alone and very good in Church, so I let her. Soon I heard this sobbing though and didn't realize it was her till I saw one of the Bishopric sit with her as Richard was conducting. So I left Maria with Joan and went to get her but she wouldn't come. Seems John had taken her place when she moved and wouldn't give it back. So I left them but later she was sobbing again and one of the ladies went to sit with her. She liked having the attention so much I don't know whether to trust her down there again or not but they are surely better away from me. They went to conference with Richard and sat in the front row and were very good. Richard said Linda was the only little girl at the BYU show but she was so thrilled with the idea of going and did enjoy the dancing. She and Maria are always singing and dancing, hope they can learn it later."

I remember how difficult Sacrament Meeting was in those days when the children were little and Richard was in the Bishopric. Joan was so good to help but I don't think I got much out of Sacrament meeting for many years. We had 1 1/2 hrs Sunday School in the morning and came back in the Evening for 1 1/2 hrs Sacrament Meeting.
From a letter: "The children loved getting the package--John hasn't spent his money yet and Maria and Linda are carrying their purses all the time. I bought them some white patent leather shoes today. The dresses are cute and summery and Linda wore hers outside already, though it's cool here. Maria's is just too big for her all over and she does so want to wear it so I'm returning it in hopes you have a size 2!
"Richard's mother has been here, mostly just resting and reading but she has been keeping up the ironing and I've been organizing all my drawers in anticipation of using the shelves in the laundry room. It really helps to have a place for things. Next week besides sewing the girl's dresses I'm going to repaint our dresser a wood color while Richard is in Utah!
I did the old TV stand and it looks good. Then I guess I'll get busy getting the dresser and clothes ready for the baby and really strip and wax all the floors. I'm so pokey it will take a while. Hope to have things all running smooth and clean when the new one arrives."
This is interesting to me that I am complaining sometimes of too much to do and yet I am taking on these kinds of tasks. It reminds me of when I was sewing some clothes in the summer at Glendive before I went back to college at BYU. I heard my Mom on the back patio telling her friend that Janet was sewing clothes for school and one thing about Janet she would always be prepared for everything.
On one of Vida's trips to our home Richard saw that she had a good physical. She appeared somewhat depressed and he was concerned about her. Apparently she was in good health, but melancholy. I think it was very hard for her to accept the passing of her husband and then Scott, too. Years later I can understand better how hard it was for her to be alone for so many years.
I did love dressing the girls up in their pretty little dresses and lace socks and purses to carry and even a hat! Having mother send clothes from the store and only charging us wholesale really helped!