Vacations and Outings--
Richard had this philosophy that he would take vacations anytime on a weekend but longer trips were harder though eventually we did get away every Christmas and usually once in the summer.
He just wasn't there for the full week sometimes and I would often end up driving the children home as he had flown home earlier.
John did not always want to go with us on every outing. He had his own interests which obviously was not Knott's Berry Farm.
Richard had this philosophy that he would take vacations anytime on a weekend but longer trips were harder though eventually we did get away every Christmas and usually once in the summer.
He just wasn't there for the full week sometimes and I would often end up driving the children home as he had flown home earlier.
John did not always want to go with us on every outing. He had his own interests which obviously was not Knott's Berry Farm.

Jimmy was having reading problems at school in the first and second grade and both his teachers made me feel it was just because he would not pay attention. His third grade teacher would actually start the procedures to solve the problem which was audio visual perception issues because he had not had enough eye hand coordination from crawling (at least that is what was speculated). The children did love to carry him everywhere.
In our La Jolla house we had the big dining room table in the kitchen and on the back of the kitchen door was a great place to put spelling words that the children were supposed to work on for the week. I had a huge wall tablet that I bought at a Teacher's Supply.
Richard and I also visited a Teacher's Supply in Los Angeles on our way home from temple trips and we bought school desks for the play room, clay, colors, paper, etc. and other school supplies quite reasonably.