As I said before, I had been attending Kelsey-Jenney College to bone up on my office skills in case Richard wanted to have his own business.
In March 1973 I received Certificates of Completion in Business English, Business Correspondence, Typing and Typing production. Although I did not use them that year, they would come into good use in the 80's!
All the children had many friends from the Torrey Pines Elementary School down a few blocks.
The school had a great diversity of students with professor's children from UCSD, many Jewish children and some international students from the UCSD influence. The school had an excellent music program headed by a volunteer. John was now into surfing and enjoyed living so near the beach.
John had also been a pitcher for the Little League and was heavily into skateboarding especially down the hill of the Cul de Sac.
We had one cat named Sunny who we all adored. I wonder why there are no pictures of Sunny????
Richard was now associated with the Richard D. Jones Mortgage Services (Trust Deeds) in La Mesa and in a letter to Martin and Kathy he tells them he is "very enthusiastic about the business he is involved in". He also said he had "a lot of ideas for the business" and they were "moving gradually to incorporate some of them." He had a J and R Investment Trust which was being utilized in a funding capacity and he was very pleased with its success.
This is from the front yard of our La Jolla home and we have things growing and happy children going to Torrey Pines Elementary and involved in the YMCA just about five or six blocks from our home. The home was on a Cul de Sac and a very choice location for school, activities, and getting to the freeways or to the beach or to La Jolla.
However, Richard was working in La Mesa and we lived in La Jolla. However, his clients would be all over the county and Richard became a man on the road for much of this new life. They would prepare folders about trust deed investments and make appointments with clients and take a few folders of investments to discuss with them, leave the folders with them to peruse, and then actually do the paperwork at a later date in their home also. The clients were generally older and the business catered to them so they did not have to come into the office. It was a very personal approach business and Richard was good at it. His clients came to love him and trust him.
These were some of our neighbors on the Cul de Sac and Shawn and Brett spent a good deal of time at our home. Richard used to kid and say Jimmy was going to be a Bishop when he grew up. So one time when we went to a museum at Balboa Park and Brett saw a statue of a Catholic Bishop in black robes he asked if that is what Jimmy was going to be.