In late June 1963 we took a trip to Silver Gate, Montana and stopped in Idaho Falls on the way up and back.

We had our family which was Linda, almost 1, and Johnny, almost 3 and we had Richard's mother, and niece Becky, and nephews Matt and Merlin.
Johnny loved his cowboy clothes and is posing in the backyard of Mom and Dad's new home in Idaho Falls.
Johnny loved his cowboy clothes and is posing in the backyard of Mom and Dad's new home in Idaho Falls.
We celebrated Linda's lst birthday while we were at the cabin.
On the way up, we shopped in Idaho Falls at Ferrells and Vida bought the Hardy boys some bright red shirts which they loved so much they liked to wear them to bed.

Johnny loved the truck. My parents were at the cabin and became acquainted with Vida. We do have good movies of this trip. I appreciate my parents so much for providing such a wonderful time for all of them.
Dad took Becky and the boys fishing and they caught so many, they loved it.

We had a nice station wagon. At that time we could put a mattress in the back of the station wagon so the children could play. There were no car seats for the children in those days.
All of the boys loved my Dad's truck. On the way back we stopped in Idaho Falls and Mom and Dad were back there by then, too. They prepared a big picnic in a park and invited David and Dorothy. It was a good trip. Richard always wanted to include as many as he could on his trips. He loved being with Scott's family and his Mom.