Hand WrittenLetters by Richard Hardyand Janet Andersonto their families fromBYU.
They were not acquainted at BYU.
Del Mar from Idaho
Family Living #1 Apt 17
Janet, Colleen, Marta, JoAnne 4 of 6 in Apt 17
Birthday party for Lou Ray, another of our roommates.
Actually I stayed home winter quarter and organized Dad's office again and trained
Lorraine, dear friend, to be his office assistant.
Louray and Dale, other two roommates
The Plymouth in the Background
Gerry, Marta and Janet
Ivan with me in Center Back
Birthday Party for Eleanor, my summer Roommate
On her right is our Beauty Roomate who married an upperclassman her first year!
Marilyn and I with hats home from college,
Mom and Mary on left, Carole on right
Harry is second from right.
Bob is a good friend, call him my little brother.
Friends, dated Milo in back, very sweet guy.
Colleen and Marta
Learning How to be a Teacher

Dated Robert a bit, too. Years later I was at a party in San Diego with a girl who knew him. We were all married and settled. She said I have to tell Bob what he missed. My hair was terrible when I was dating him.
Graduated 1955 Elementary Education and English
So I graduated with no lasting loves but I did date a variety and still went on to Billings to teach and tried again to convert Harry, my high school boyfriend and then a break up, and on to San Diego to teach and Bill, the helicopter pilot and sailing, and then finally met and married Richard in six weeks after meeting, it must have been destiny. It had taken him 10 years to get through college because of Navy time and Mission. He finally graduated, came to San Diego and there I was at Church waiting for him, evidently.
Letters from Richard from BYU
1950, 54 and 55